Understanding Your Customer Persona Gives you That Result You Seek


Dear Business Owner

The foundation of every great marketing campaign that sells and gives you that result you seek is carrying out market research. And one very important aspect of market research is…


Knowing your Customer Persona. 


Personas are fictional characters, which you create based upon your research in order to represent the different user types that might use your service, product, site, or brand in a similar way. Creating personas will help you to understand your users' needs, experiences, behaviors, and goals.

If you don't know who you're selling to, how do you identify their pains, their desires, their fears?

How do you solve those problems that keep them up at night?


Creating an ideal customer persona is very important and key to your success.



Use them to determine how to best target that customer, what ad copy to write, and what offers are going to most resonate with them. Without a persona, you’re just guessing and potentially wasting a lot of time and money.

When you build your marketing persona right, it can open up new opportunities for marketing that conventionally you wouldn’t think about. 

For instance, If Middle-aged men go through a mid-life crisis. When they do they buy gym memberships, protein supplements, and expensive sports cars. Say you run a trendy but new dealership. You know the people who want and can afford your cars are middle-aged men. You go down to the local supplement store and gyms and put up ads with middle-aged men looking cool and with young chicks in the creatives. In your Facebook ad targeting, you include protein supplements, gym memberships, and viagra in your targeted interests.

Make middle-aged men visualize themselves using these products.


That is very important in marketing, the gains of visualization can not be overemphasized.


Visualization allows mental conditioning of the customer, it makes them more receptive to your product amongst other things.


ALWAYS write out in detail who you are targeting before you create or put those ads out.


It is of utmost importance

The most successful marketers and businessmen are not those who have a degree in marketing. 

They are those who understand their customers inside, out, and sideways.


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